
Sake is called "parallel double fermentation" because yeast converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide at the same time, and it is a brewed sake that is unique in the world.
The process is supported by the work of a very delicate and polite brewer.
“Good sake is rice and water”
The choice of rice is a very important item that affects the taste of sake.
We order carefully selected rice from all over the country, not to mention locally produced rice, and cleanly wash the polished white rice by removing unnecessary parts by milling.

Good steamed rice is one that has good handling and is hard on the outside and soft on the inside.
The purpose of steamed rice is to make it susceptible to the action of saccharifying enzymes produced by Jiuqu by heating steam and to sterilize it by heating.
Steamed rice is further divided into two categories, one that is used as it is for brewing as "Kakemai" and the other that is used for "Koji". It is divided into two types, and each is charged at a different temperature.
- 精 米
- 洗 米
- 蒸 米
- 製 麹
- 酒 母
- もろみ
- 上 槽
- 低温貯蔵
- 出 荷

その秘密のひとつは、丸2日間かけて、引き込み→床もみ→切り返し→盛り→仲仕事→仕舞仕事→出麹という手順で丁寧に製麹が行われ、その後、酒母といわれる酵母を純粋に多数培養した粥状を蒸米・水・麹と混ぜてもろみにし、 4日間にわたり3段階(初添え、仲添え、留添え)の仕込みを行いますが、これは三段仕込みと呼ばれる、有害な細菌の増殖を防ぐ為にも非常に重要な工程です。
Sake that expresses a tasteful world using rice and water as raw materials.
One of the secrets is that over a full two days, the koji is carefully made in the order of pulling in → floor mash → turning back → serving → middle work → shimai work → brewing koji, and then a large number of yeasts called liquor mothers are purely produced. The cultivated porridge is mixed with steamed rice, water, and jiuqu to make it thick, and three stages (first, middle, and mashed) are prepared over a four-day period. It is a very important process to prevent proliferation.
After that, it takes about one month to promote saccharification and fermentation in the mash, and in the process of state change called parallel double fermentation, the depth of taste peculiar to sake is born.

In the process of squeezing sake, it is divided into liquid sake and sake lees, which are solid parts. "Tobin Enclosure" is a very valuable sake because it takes a lot of time and effort and only a limited amount can be taken.
After that, the clarified sake is heated to around 65°C, which is called "burning", and is stored quietly for more than half a year, waiting for shipment. Miyo Sakura carefully made with time and effort As the flavor matures, the roughness of the new sake disappears and the taste is rounded and mild.